Tuesday, December 14, 2010

1st Weekend Back Home

I caught the train home from school Friday night but by the time I got here I had a migraine & went to sleep. Saturday went the same way its been going since before I left:

1. look for something to do and fail miserably
2. go to the abc store & buy a bottle
3. get drunk & play xbox
4. walk to 7-11 drunk & buy 40's
5. repeat step 3

I swear we've been doing the same shit in the exact same order since the summer...shits gotta change.

I woke up Sunday at like 5 in the morning (I always wake up ridiculously early after drinking) and thought I was good but I was definitely wrong. As soon as I stood up I knew I was fucked so I just laid back down for a long time. when I finally got up I tried to make myself earl in the shower(b/c it secretly fixes everything) and somewhere along the line I passed out. I truthfully have no idea what happened, I was standing there & next thing I know I'm waking up on my knees in the tub. After that shit I refused to do anything & spent the rest of the day my skins lose at johns house. I definitely have a bruise above my eye now from passing out, I'm assuming I hit it on the knob on my way down. smh No more drinking for me...at least until next weekend.

Scratch that no drinking thing I found a beer from the weekend under the couch smh. SO no drinking till the weekend starting............now.

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