Saturday, November 6, 2010

VSU Homecoming '10 (LATE PASS)

I just realized that I never made a post about homecoming...probably b/c it was the HYPE! I don't know, maybe my expectations were too high but the whole weekend was average & some shit just sucked. It was so many damn alumni you couldn't walk up & down the street, the game was cool but it was so many ppl i had to stand behind the band just to try & watch it. The concert was fucked up b/c Wale only got like 10 fucking minutes to perform. They didn't even let DJ Omega set up! Like wtf that was the biggest blower to me, anybody that knows me knows I've been like one of the biggest Wale fans around since '05. Wale & The Board were the only reasons I actually went to the damn concert. The rest of the board did there thing though even though they got booed, thats what happens when you put like 8 opening acts on one show. Fabolous shut shit down though, I forgot how much I used to rock w/ him until he started doing his older stuff. Monica is still fine as hell too. I didn't even make an attempt to go to any after parties b/c my bum ass friends didn't have any money to come down & the club is boring as shit when your alone. On the upside I still have the majority of my alcohol left & shit could a definitely went worse.

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