Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Redskins Fan Appreciation Day

I been meaning to post this since saturday but shits been kinda crazy. It was cool to see the skins practice since I've never been able to go to a game. LJ & Fred Davis were looking pretty good on offense, but the guy John Beck that they released my man Colt Brennan for is ASS! He was throwing horrible passes & i'm not just saying this because I'm a huge Colt Brennan fan. Rex Grossman was good for about 1 play as I expected, Idk why I've never liked him since the bears played the saints in the nfc championship like 5 yrs ago. It's like he just does good enough to get by & then lets the defense do all the work. This was the day Haynesworth finally passed his physical so he wasn't doing much. Even though we got there an Hr late & parked pretty damn far it was still a good time. The pictures are kinda shitty but my phone only zooms in but so far.

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