Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Shit like this can only happen to me...

Since I was ahead at school & got redshirted I decided come home from buffalo for a week. I left on the 8th & was supposed to go back on the 18 but I'm still home. Somehow I ended up losing my wallet on the train coming from the airport(Yeah it was my first flight...I was scarred as hell lol)& did realize it was gone until I was walking out of Huntington. All my ID was in there, my bank card, and my Social Security card but I didn't realize it at the time. I didn't end up really doing much all week; I went to the Blackout (it was the first time I had ever seen it weak but I got to see BYB), went to my friend tattoo party but the dude was charging the same prices u pay in the shop so I didn't get anything(my brother got his moms name on his neck) & checked out my high schools pep rally and football game, They finally won another game but of course it rained the entire time. I got to see my best friend(the girl whose face is half cut off in the header)there but only for like 10 mins smh. Then the 18th rolls around & I realize I can't get back on the plane without my ID. Idk how it took me the whole week to realize it. I missed my flight but I thought I could get a new id and be gone the next day. So i go to the dmv to get a new one & they tell me they mail everything out now & I won't get it for 7-10 business days. So now I'm stuck at home at least another week and I didn't bring my school stuff so I can't email my professors. I'm gonna be so behind when I get back.

PS: I know this post is useless w/o pics. Bare w/ me I'll get a camera soon...I hope.

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