Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Maestro Knows Season 3 Ep.2

Maestro Knows - Episode 2 (Mr. Cartoon) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Maestro Knows Season 3 Ep.1???

Sooo I guess the NYC didn't count as a full season or something. idk

Maestro Knows - Episode 1 (9th Wonder) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Wiz Khalifa - Shame Video

took forever just like the last one

Wiz Khalifa - Material Video

I took this nigga forever to but this video out.

That Buffalo Bullshit

Coming up to Buffalo I knew it would happen sooner or later but I sure as hell didn't expect all this. Last Wendsday it started snowing, when I woke up Thursday to a no school text so I looked outside and found this. these videos are from our McShoogle's (McDonalds) run early in the morning before it even got bad. I never seen an actual white out before this.

686 x New Balance-MT580 Super Nova

1 word...SICK. fuck the rest of the pack 90% of that shit probably doesn't even fit me(wtf imma do w/ snowboarding boots anyways lol) but these things right here are C-R-A-Z-Y. i guess i gotta hit ebay & get to searching.

Skullcandys= FAIL!

I bought these bitches on Black Friday...they broke December 9th. shit don't make no damn sense. If they didn't come with a warranty I'd kirk the fuck out. I wants some Drebeats but them bitches are pocket breakers.

Gucci Mane- Lemonade (LATE PASS)

I might actually have to get this cd. idk about buyin it though lol.

Death at the Funeral Trailer.

This shits gonna be hilarious.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thank God for refund checks lol.

So my financial aids finally coming together & I got my 1st refund check the other day. Between splurging on Black Friday, my ticket back to school & feeding myself I've pretty much blown it all.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Clipse ft. Rick Ross- I'm Good (Remix)

Back in the B-Lo (LMFAO that shits so corny)

So I been back in cold ass Buffalo for a little over a week. Got all my make up work when I first got back, but I haven't finished anything yet. I have to get this shit done ASAP, but of course I'm still in this damn library not doing shit. This is what I've come up w/ for my english paper in the last 2 hrs I've been in here(I swear I have ADD),

"In the late 1970’s many parent and student groups against drunk driving arose across America including MADD and SADD starting the modern prohibiting movement. After their years of work against teenage drinking they reached a milestone. In 1984 the National Minimum Drinking Age Act made it so no alcohol can be legally purchased or consumed by anyone under the age of 21.

Since the act was put in place the amount of underage drinking deaths decreased 54%,"

& 90% of that is shit I did yesterday.I really feel like I haven't done shit all week. I missed my College Success Skills class both times so far this week, luckily i found out it got cancelled Monday, I haven't been to Government this week b/c I'm supposed to make up the test & he keeps telling me different times to take it (he gave me the wrong damn test today), & I've been to English but haven't finished any of the make up work hes given me.

I swear my minds been in like party mode since Halloween. I went to a party my boys for Jersey threw. Shit was WILD but I had to leave at like 2 in the morning & it was still live so I guess my minds stuck at that point b/c it didn't finish partying lol. I know it sounds crazy, I guess I just think different.

PS: & this nigga Mo broke my earphones i been bumpless for hours!!!!

Dammit Wale does it again!

So every DMV shoehead know Wale rocked the Eggplant foams about 6 months before their release date in February, well damn if he hasn't done it again w/ the Copper Foams that are supposed to release next February. I didn't even want these damn things until now. I was hoping the color would be off but they're looking pretty damn good right here.

PS: Info in a Metallic Red Foam some time next year just dropped too. I'm assuming we'll see him in them bitches months before the release date too.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Hottest Band In the World...

Everybody know in into some pretty "different" things KISS is just another one of those thing. I remember in 3rd or 4th grade I was Ace Frehely for Halloween. I had almost forgot about them until I saw a documentary on them at like 2 in the morning a few days ago and I been watching videos on youtube ever since. I didn't even know they were still touring(not a 4 originals though. Seeing KISS live is probably top 5 on my list of things to do before dying, & I just found out they were in DC last week...I FUCKING MISSED IT!!! I'm so pissed. I will see them one day I have to.

TCB Clips from 10-3-09 @ CFE (The Battle of the Clappers)

smh...don't make no damn sense

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Shit like this can only happen to me...

Since I was ahead at school & got redshirted I decided come home from buffalo for a week. I left on the 8th & was supposed to go back on the 18 but I'm still home. Somehow I ended up losing my wallet on the train coming from the airport(Yeah it was my first flight...I was scarred as hell lol)& did realize it was gone until I was walking out of Huntington. All my ID was in there, my bank card, and my Social Security card but I didn't realize it at the time. I didn't end up really doing much all week; I went to the Blackout (it was the first time I had ever seen it weak but I got to see BYB), went to my friend tattoo party but the dude was charging the same prices u pay in the shop so I didn't get anything(my brother got his moms name on his neck) & checked out my high schools pep rally and football game, They finally won another game but of course it rained the entire time. I got to see my best friend(the girl whose face is half cut off in the header)there but only for like 10 mins smh. Then the 18th rolls around & I realize I can't get back on the plane without my ID. Idk how it took me the whole week to realize it. I missed my flight but I thought I could get a new id and be gone the next day. So i go to the dmv to get a new one & they tell me they mail everything out now & I won't get it for 7-10 business days. So now I'm stuck at home at least another week and I didn't bring my school stuff so I can't email my professors. I'm gonna be so behind when I get back.

PS: I know this post is useless w/o pics. Bare w/ me I'll get a camera soon...I hope.

TOB Clips from 10-3-09 @ CFE (The Battle of the Clappers)

Damn I wish I was home that weekend...

Monday, October 19, 2009

A.Peezie's a Collector too...

So other than the first name & football we both share the shoe addiction. Can we get this man a signature cleat please! Like really what does he have to do!? Yeah hes got the Trainer but we don't play in shoes dammit.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Another Pushback...SMFH

Space Jam XI got pushed back to 12/23 smfh Nike & Jordan Brand need to make up their damn minds on these dates. White and Red XII are coming out sometime in December too...they must of forgot its a recession out this bitch lol.

Silver 1/2 Cents pushed back again...supposedly

Idk how many times these bitches release date has changed anymore. Newest date is Black Friday 11/27.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Drake ft. Lil Wayne, Kanye West & Eminem- Forever Video

The songs the single off of the new Lebron James documentary "More Than A Game" just in case you were wondering why he was all over it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

LATE PASS: Wiz Khalifa- Name on a Cloud/ Wassup Video

I've officially joined the Wiz Khalifa bandwagon.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Maestro Knows Season 2 Ep.8 (VA Beach!!!)

Maestro Knows - Episode 8 (Virginia Beach) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

2001 Air Jordan 7 “Bordeaux” Sample

Oh Dear God! I haven't seen anything from jordan brand this beautiful in a long time. They're only a 9 & they're goin for $710 in eBay right now though so I'll admire from afar. Why can't jordan brand just release the quality shit they know we want even with the shitty materials its better than the other bullshit.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

BET Rising Icon-Wale

I'm back...

I know I haven't posted in like forever & a day but I had training camp & there's absolutely no time to do anything during camp. I still won't post that much (semester started today) but some is better than none right?

This video's from Wing Night (which is damn near every night in buffalo), Niggas bet my man Brandon $10 he couldn't eat 4 "Da Bomb" wings They had us sign a waiver just to taste 1(I only tried the sauce & my mouth was on burning for like 20 mins). It took his ass 25 mins to eat em, he cried & he didn't get paid! LMFAO

PS- Apologies for the sloppy ass video & the shitty sound, I'm still tryna get a real camcorder.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Space Jam Packaging

So this is what rose the price tag to $175...

Just another one of Jordan Brand's attempts to squeeze every last penny out of the comsumers pocket...sad thing is I'll still be copping. smh

Shameful Finger for Jordan Brand.

(I ment to post this like 2 months ago btw)
The cement Jordan IV is definitely in my top 5 of all time & Do The Right Thing is one of my favorite Spike Lee Joints. This dude Rhan Johnson put together this mock up for the 20th Anniversary of Do the Right Thing shoe & sent it to them but they turned it down. This shit is 1000x better that the bullshit they decided to put out. Really wtf does the Jordan I have to do with Do the Right Thing?...nothing exactly. Dumb moves like this are exactly why Nikes been taking a shit on Jordan Brand for the last 2 years. I would of payed over $200 & camped out for this. SMFH!

The Last Clean Up...

So I'm supposed to leave for school Saturday (even though I still don't have an apartment smh) & training camp starts the 15th. Everyone knows once that starts nobody gives a fuck what they look like, so I shaved & got retwisted for the last time until like November.


By the end of the season I'm gonna look like a damn animal.

PS: Sorry for the shiity picture...still don't have a real camera yet.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wale Young Hollywood Interview

Space Jam Sample Pics

I'll admit it...they look good I can't lie...but I already know the materials gonna be shitty just like the cdp's & they fucked up the Jumpman AGAIN! how u gonna have em facing two different directions. Smfh, I'll still cop though since i can't find/afford OG's.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Maestro Knows Season 2 Ep. 2

Maestro Knows - Episode 2 (Berlin) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Flu Games??? idk

This is the retro Flu Game 12's (November Release). I really don't know about these, I like the little sick smiley but the nubuck instead of leather absolutley fucks it up for me.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I was gonna try & get a new before I left for school but I just found this so it's lookin like I'm gonna hold off till this drops. Word is it comes out September 8th that could just be hype though.

Zune HD Video Hands On from Gizmodo on Vimeo.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

ABM 7-25-09 @ District Heights Rec.

1 word...CRANKAGE

PS. I know i post alotta ABM but they're my favorite band sooo what do u expect. lol

Friday, July 24, 2009

ABM Recording The Black Album

I just downloaded it like an hr ago & the shit cranks. I don't know what the point of going at Reaction on D.O.S was but I guess I'll find out eventually.

TOB at Music Junkies

People been sayin TOB fell off, but after I saw em at the Blackout Sunday Iknew they were still crank.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Maestro Knows Season 2 Ep. 1

I swear Maestro lives the most amazing life. hes never just in the damn house, hes always on the move. Livin it up jo.

Maestro Knows - Episode 1 (Bread & Butter) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dumpster Pools?...Where they do that at??

I might just be weird but this shit is vish. (minus the old hipsters & shit lol)

Kid Cudi-Make Her Say Video

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I almost forgot.

The waits almost over

Space Jam Air Jordan 11 November 27th Release Date from on Vimeo.

PS. I just lost my ride to SneakerPimps, It's lookin like I won't be there smh. Heres another one I'm missin out on DAMMIT I NEED A CAR!

Friday, July 17, 2009

R.I.P Austin

I just saw sunn on facebook like 2-3 days ago & when I got on yesterday I found out he was gone. I still remember in 1st period Sports Marketing my junior yr when the teacher kicked him out & he tried to knock over the Smart Board on the way out,the shit was hilarious. I really don't even know what to say. He'll be missed.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Maestro Knows (Tour Edition) Ep.6 Maestro's b-day.

Maestro Knows - Tour Edition (Episode 6) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Nando-Super Nike Nando Video

Super Nike Nando: The Music Video! from NandoMoore. on Vimeo.

ABM-09 Burr Video

I had planned on not posting any go-go on here b/c there's just so much of it & alot of ppl feel the need to tell everyone how much they hate it(ignorant asses) but...FUCK IT!

If u you don't like Go-go FUCK YOU keep that shit to yourself.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Jay-z Blueprint 3 Into Performance

OK I understand why Jimmy & Dame gotta problem w/ Jay but The Game just needs to shut the fuck up.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sneaker Pimps

Another event rolls around & as usual...I'M BROKE!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


If you serious in the shoe game you know who he is if u not he'll let you know. MAYOR TV from on Vimeo.

Lupe Fiasco - The L.A.S.E.R.S. Manifesto

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Last Air Bender Trailer

I saw this trailer when i went to go see Transformers & I got pretty damn excited. The Avatar is one of the like 9-10 cartoons i still watch constantly, so if this movies isn't as good as the cartoon, I'm gonna be HIGHLY disappointed.

Maestro Knows (Tour Edition) Ep.5 DC!!!!

Maestro Knows - Tour Edition (Episode 5) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Wale HOT 97 Interview w/ Angie Martinez

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Drake- Best I Ever Had Video

This shits pretty funny & the skeechies...Oh my LAWD! lol

Sunday, June 28, 2009

LMFAO...Wale cold leans on this bamma!!!

So basically my man Wale was performin & givin away Nike Boots (the limited edition I-95's joints) & some bamma starts hecklin him so what does my nigga do?... Cold Disrespects the shit out of him in front of the whole fuckin Sneaker Pimps!!! Shit like this is exactly why I fucks w/ him so hard *Pause*. He's a real person & gave dude a real dmv reaction. HAHAHAHA.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Concepts Blue Lobster Interview

If these release outside of Boston I'm on em b/c that ebay price on the Concept packaged ones is gonna be CRAZY.

Concepts Blue Lobster Interview SD from Dennis Carroll on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Eminem-Crack a Bottle

LATE PASS- Maestro Knows (Tour Edition)

I'm late as shit I had know idea that the Tour season of Maestro Knows had started soooo I'm just gonna post all 3 of the episodes that I've missed.

Maestro Knows - Tour Edition (Episode 1) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Maestro Knows - Tour Edition (Episode 2) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Maestro Knows - Tour Edition (Episode 3) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nike Air Hoop Structure= FIRE!!!

So on my old blog I said I wasn't sure about how i felt about the Air Structure hybrid well Ty from Leaders 1354 posted himself wearing em & I have to say...THERE CRAZY!

PS. And theres a Aqua colorway too.

Both are a Holiday 09 release

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Hangover is HILARIOUS!!!

Definitely the funniest movie I've seen in a really long time.

Wayyy too much time on his hands

I love beer pong as much as the next guy but this dude takes it too far. He must not have shit to do.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Clipse X The Cool Kids @ Sneaker Pimps

Clipse X The Cool Kids At Sneaker Pimps from Malice of the Clipse on Vimeo.

Wale Interview after 9:30 Club show

In case u were wondering...

I am gonna eventually post something other than music & random shit but there isn't really shit happening, this summers boring as fuck so far. There's nowhere to go, there ain't shit to do, everybody's broke, & can't nobody find a job. I do the same boring shit everyday, wake up, eat, go work out, come & back shower, eat again, & get on the computer, play 360 & watch That 70's Show reruns until 3-4 in the morning. Something has to happen sooner or later though...I hope.

Wale- Family Affair

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Behind the Scenes: Wale Family Affair


I swear I been waitin for this video to drop for weeks. I'm sour as shit i can't go to the show tonight sooo i'm gonna just keep postin wale shit. lol

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ink My Whole Body!

This is the only Wiz Khalifa song i really like other than Say Yeah. I downloaded the Flight School mixtape a couple days ago it was average at best.

Wiz Khalifa " Ink My Whole Body"- from Barry Hefner on Vimeo.

I saw this & my jaw dropped

Its not for like a yr so no need to get excited just yet.

btw i saw UP last weekend & it was vish.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Eminem Live Freestyles

After I heard We Made You I thought he had fell off but I guess not.

Travis Barker Remix 3AM

Wale on Carson Daily.


SOOOO...this is my new blog. i had to get up off wordpress, shit wasn't for me. If u wanna check out the old 1...