Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thank God for refund checks lol.

So my financial aids finally coming together & I got my 1st refund check the other day. Between splurging on Black Friday, my ticket back to school & feeding myself I've pretty much blown it all.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Clipse ft. Rick Ross- I'm Good (Remix)

Back in the B-Lo (LMFAO that shits so corny)

So I been back in cold ass Buffalo for a little over a week. Got all my make up work when I first got back, but I haven't finished anything yet. I have to get this shit done ASAP, but of course I'm still in this damn library not doing shit. This is what I've come up w/ for my english paper in the last 2 hrs I've been in here(I swear I have ADD),

"In the late 1970’s many parent and student groups against drunk driving arose across America including MADD and SADD starting the modern prohibiting movement. After their years of work against teenage drinking they reached a milestone. In 1984 the National Minimum Drinking Age Act made it so no alcohol can be legally purchased or consumed by anyone under the age of 21.

Since the act was put in place the amount of underage drinking deaths decreased 54%,"

& 90% of that is shit I did yesterday.I really feel like I haven't done shit all week. I missed my College Success Skills class both times so far this week, luckily i found out it got cancelled Monday, I haven't been to Government this week b/c I'm supposed to make up the test & he keeps telling me different times to take it (he gave me the wrong damn test today), & I've been to English but haven't finished any of the make up work hes given me.

I swear my minds been in like party mode since Halloween. I went to a party my boys for Jersey threw. Shit was WILD but I had to leave at like 2 in the morning & it was still live so I guess my minds stuck at that point b/c it didn't finish partying lol. I know it sounds crazy, I guess I just think different.

PS: & this nigga Mo broke my earphones i been bumpless for hours!!!!

Dammit Wale does it again!

So every DMV shoehead know Wale rocked the Eggplant foams about 6 months before their release date in February, well damn if he hasn't done it again w/ the Copper Foams that are supposed to release next February. I didn't even want these damn things until now. I was hoping the color would be off but they're looking pretty damn good right here.

PS: Info in a Metallic Red Foam some time next year just dropped too. I'm assuming we'll see him in them bitches months before the release date too.