Sunday, June 28, 2009

LMFAO...Wale cold leans on this bamma!!!

So basically my man Wale was performin & givin away Nike Boots (the limited edition I-95's joints) & some bamma starts hecklin him so what does my nigga do?... Cold Disrespects the shit out of him in front of the whole fuckin Sneaker Pimps!!! Shit like this is exactly why I fucks w/ him so hard *Pause*. He's a real person & gave dude a real dmv reaction. HAHAHAHA.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Concepts Blue Lobster Interview

If these release outside of Boston I'm on em b/c that ebay price on the Concept packaged ones is gonna be CRAZY.

Concepts Blue Lobster Interview SD from Dennis Carroll on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Eminem-Crack a Bottle

LATE PASS- Maestro Knows (Tour Edition)

I'm late as shit I had know idea that the Tour season of Maestro Knows had started soooo I'm just gonna post all 3 of the episodes that I've missed.

Maestro Knows - Tour Edition (Episode 1) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Maestro Knows - Tour Edition (Episode 2) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Maestro Knows - Tour Edition (Episode 3) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nike Air Hoop Structure= FIRE!!!

So on my old blog I said I wasn't sure about how i felt about the Air Structure hybrid well Ty from Leaders 1354 posted himself wearing em & I have to say...THERE CRAZY!

PS. And theres a Aqua colorway too.

Both are a Holiday 09 release

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Hangover is HILARIOUS!!!

Definitely the funniest movie I've seen in a really long time.

Wayyy too much time on his hands

I love beer pong as much as the next guy but this dude takes it too far. He must not have shit to do.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Clipse X The Cool Kids @ Sneaker Pimps

Clipse X The Cool Kids At Sneaker Pimps from Malice of the Clipse on Vimeo.

Wale Interview after 9:30 Club show

In case u were wondering...

I am gonna eventually post something other than music & random shit but there isn't really shit happening, this summers boring as fuck so far. There's nowhere to go, there ain't shit to do, everybody's broke, & can't nobody find a job. I do the same boring shit everyday, wake up, eat, go work out, come & back shower, eat again, & get on the computer, play 360 & watch That 70's Show reruns until 3-4 in the morning. Something has to happen sooner or later though...I hope.

Wale- Family Affair

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Behind the Scenes: Wale Family Affair


I swear I been waitin for this video to drop for weeks. I'm sour as shit i can't go to the show tonight sooo i'm gonna just keep postin wale shit. lol

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ink My Whole Body!

This is the only Wiz Khalifa song i really like other than Say Yeah. I downloaded the Flight School mixtape a couple days ago it was average at best.

Wiz Khalifa " Ink My Whole Body"- from Barry Hefner on Vimeo.

I saw this & my jaw dropped

Its not for like a yr so no need to get excited just yet.

btw i saw UP last weekend & it was vish.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Eminem Live Freestyles

After I heard We Made You I thought he had fell off but I guess not.

Travis Barker Remix 3AM

Wale on Carson Daily.


SOOOO...this is my new blog. i had to get up off wordpress, shit wasn't for me. If u wanna check out the old 1...